Oliver Walker (Liverpool, 1980) is an artist who uses live art, interventions and new media to investigate social and political systems; and to find his position in and to these larger systems.
Ideas feed into his practise from everyday life, from an attempt to be politically aware and critical. He tends to take on rather ambitious subjects, such as global trade, democracy, and even love. Criticism, humour and innovation are then used to analyse and partly re-configure them; such as outsourcing the production of a written constitution for the UK to China (Mr Democracy), or using the price of an African financial index to control everyday objects in a western city in real-time (Bringing the Market Home).
Oliver Walker studied Fine Art in Bristol (2004) and Art in Context at the UdK Berlin (University of the Arts) (2009). He is based in Berlin and Liverpool, UK. This page does not contain a CV, apart from occasional details of where work has been shown.
Read more about his approach in an interview at the we-make-money-not-art blog.
© Oliver Walker 2004-2022. Website built with Indexhibit